Écorché Figure & Workshops

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Frustrated by so few resources for sculpture students, Andrew Sinclair embraced the challenge of creating a fully detailed écorché figure, with the view of running Écorché Sculpture Workshops for students at The Sculpture School.

An écorché is a figure drawn, painted, or sculpted showing the muscles of the body without skin, normally as a figure study for another work or as an exercise for a student artist. It is a vital resource for any realist figurative artist serious about developing the skills to capture the human form anatomically as well as artistically

Most anatomical model figures are not necessarily ‘artistic’- usually standing in a very basic ‘anatomical’ pose. Andrew’s idea was to create a figure in a dynamic, active pose that was inspirational, appealing to artists of all genres.

The second lockdown of 2020 provided the opportunity for Andrew to create this amazingly detailed Écorché figure. The resin cast figure features the deep muscular anatomy, soft organs, and vascular system already in situ; the aim being for students to apply the surface muscles correctly in place so that they understand the origin and insertion points of each muscle. This model is anatomically correct and would be an ideal 3D resource for medical and ancillary health professionals, as well as serious art students needing to understand human anatomy for their life studies.

The Écorché figure’s dynamic pose means that students can study and apply clay muscles both at rest and in action – providing them with a unique opportunity to fully appreciate the subtle difference in the physical appearance of muscles in tension or movement.

Andrew Sinclair works closely with the medical profession, running sculpture workshops for medical students and surgeons at UCL, as well as within the medical industries supplying prosthetic limbs. His understanding of anatomy and its artistic application provides medical professionals with unique opportunities to improve dexterity and their artistic appreciation for the outcomes of surgery and medical practices.

The Sculpture School Écorché two-day workshop will be running again this year.  Please email or phone The Sculpture School for more information and dates.


01837 82879