Nereid’s Delight – Underwater Girl

Gallery Collection

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"Sometimes an unexpected accident can make a figure take on a whole new dimension."

- Andrew Sinclair MRSS SWAc -

The Brief

A self-initiated project by Andrew Sinclair MRSS SWAc, there is a wonderful and fascinating story to this unique piece. Diane Coates Sinclair remembers, “Andy began sculpting this imaginary figure before moving to Devon. I remember inviting our model over to my Guildford flat where she balanced precariously on my coffee table to capture the pose and very gamely pulled silly ‘holding her breath’ faces whilst naked and wearing swimming goggles!”

During the studio move from Wendover to Bondleigh, Devon, in 2014, this dynamic sculpture had a severe accident, and the head was damaged. Andy decided that as the body was so full of life he would mould and cast it and sculpt new hair. Being so busy for the next few years she was put aside for several years. Recently revised, Andrew has finally had the opportunity to sculpt the rippling water effect of the integral bronze base, which reflects her floating underwater hair.

The idea of including humour into sculpture has always appealed to Andy, so her expression beneath the goggles and the blowing of bubbles underwater is a surprisingly amusing feature of an otherwise sensuously dynamic female figure. The superb patination of this bronze sculpture suggests rippling sunlight beneath the surface of the sea.

‘Nereid’s Delight’ proudly features on the cover of Andrew Sinclair’s newly revised book ‘The Professional Approach to Sculpture’. You can order the book here